Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The vocation of priesthood

Community Leader

God’s plan for the world is ambitious; it involves nothing less than the complete transformation of human society. The building blocks for this massive plan are our local communities. As part of these communities, the church works in partnership with civic leaders, community organisations, other Christian churches and other religions.

One of the most satisfying things about being a priest is being part of a faith community and being a pastoral leader. This involves presiding at communal worship. It also involves being among smaller communities, such as families at big moments like weddings and baptisms. Priests are called upon to enter the lives of people when life is darkened with sadness and difficulty. Even through these difficult moments, a priest can experience a profound satisfaction that they have been an instrument of God.

Messenger of Hope

Jesus Christ has an incredible impact on the world. The teachings of Christ have shaped the values of many societies and continue to shape those values today. A critical part of a priest’s mission is to tell Christ’s story of hope. That story brings comfort to those who are weak and without a voice. The story is intended to disturb and activate those who have the power to make the world a better place. Jesus’ message of hope is not always popular; many people have been killed for preaching the Gospel, but it is a powerful message that must be told.

Spiritual Guide

Today there is a strong awareness that people everywhere long to have spiritual nourishment. The Catholic community itself also needs to be fed with the body and blood of Christ. The priest of the future will continue that tradition of assisting people to develop their spirituality. The future priest will also need to explore ways of helping people make spiritual sense of their lives in a dynamic and changing world. Before doing these things, priests are students of prayer themselves. A priest develops his personal relationship with God, to learn the ways of God and to lead others on those paths.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Batch '91 "mini" Gathering

Batch '91 Gathering

Ross, Bong, Drekz (Art & Popot) at the Red Crab, Greenbelt 3 Makati, Phils. Art was too busy to show up and Popot left early for work. (posted by Drekz)



The SFXCS Globe infront of the main building where the Fathers' offices, study hall, clinic and library are located. The dormitory is at the second floor.

According to Jess P. Mercado "The small globe at the garden was made sometime in 1962 by the team and class of Edmundo Viacrucis. This was a summer vacation project. Our class was to do the map of the Philippines. It used to be hanged at the lobby until it deteriorated years later; but the globe remains up to today." JPM according to the website entered the seminary in 1959.

The unofficial website of the Saint Francis Xavier Seminary is at There are more pictures in this site.

Monday, March 28, 2005

The SFXCS Quadrangle

The SFXCS Quadrangle

This is the Saint Francis Xavier College Seminary Quadrangle infront of the
main chapel. At the back of the chapel is the Daisy garden which Paul (aka Popot, batch '91) successfully converted into a mini-forest when he was assigned there :).

Saint Francis Xavier

Francis Xavier, one of the greatest missionaries of all time, was born in Navarre, Spain, April 6, 1506, studied in Paris where he met Ignatius of Loyola and was one of the founding members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Soon after the Society of Jesus was officially recognized (1540), he began his work of evangelization. His amazing zeal for spreading the Gospel and his remarkably extensive missionary journeys, overcoming great obstacles, during a mere ten years (May 6, 1542 - December 2, 1552), led to the establishment of missions and Churches in India and southeast Asia, as well as in Japan. Countless conversions resulted from his tireless, difficult and very often dangerous work. He is justly considered to be the greatest missionary since the time of the Apostles.

While he was preparing to begin work in China, Francis Xavier suddenly became ill and died on the island of Sancian, near the China coast, on December 2, 1552. He was canonized with St. Ignatius in 1622, although because of the death of Pope Gregory XV, the Bull of canonization was not published until the following year.


God our Father, by the preaching of Francis Xavier You brought many nations to Yourself.Give his zeal for the faith to all who believe in You,that Your Church may rejoice in continued growth throughout the world.Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.